Saturday, March 28, 2009

My first appt. with Dr. Mirsky after hearing my diagnosis

Today I saw Dr. Mirsky (Breast Specialist and my surgeon). He seems like a really good Dr. I have what is called Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma which apparently is what most breadt cancers are.I am having surgery on April 14th to do either a lumpectomy or a mastectomy. The decision is mine. It was never going to be a difficult decision for me. I was going to have a mastectomy (even when I always thought about breast cancer I thought that is what I would do). But today, I found out that one is not any better than the other. It is all a personal choice.I will start Chemo one month after the surgery and will do 8 sessions (whatever that means??) and it will last about 4 months. I will lose all of my hair. So let's figure out where to go wig shopping friends:) So who's going to shave their head in support of me?? Totally kidding! I don't want anyone looking or feeling like me. I will get through this and my hair will come back - thicker I hope;)I may need radiation after that as well.My first step tomorrow is to get on the phone and harass the MRI people to get me an appointment asap.Lastly, I want to find out if there is a way to pay for speedy genetic testing - anyone know?? He would like it before the surgery but he says there is no time to wait for it.

Cake Decorating

I am now finished my decorating class but I thought I'd post a photo from the work in class #3. I still can't believe how easy this stuff is when you have the right tools. Although I must say that decorating cupcakes was more of a challenge for me. The working space is so small that it can be a really difficult to fit your idea on it.

My Puree-ing Journey - Pancakes

Well this was another one I tried. I added sweet potato to my pancake recipe. While everything looked and worked out well I didn't seem to be able to cook the pancake. It seemed more like the consistency of french toast. It was still very tasty though.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Puree-ing Journey - Tacos

Well this was a great way to feel good about making tacos! They still are not the healthiest meal but this certainly upped the nutritional value of this meal.

Generally for tacos I use the package, brown my meat, add the powder with water.

This time, I brown the meat, used the package but instead of water I used crushed tomato sauce and my carrot puree. It made the meat nice and thick - perfect for taco filling. I also added to my toppings, using red peppers. Next I'll add avocado.

So far I have been using a lot of my purees to feed Katie (9 mos old). But I will get back to trying out more recipes.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cake Decorating ~ My First Cake

My mom and I are taking a cake decorating class at Michael's. The course is made up of 4 ~ 2 hour classes.

The reason I decided to take the class is that since I have a child with a severe allergy I figured it would be safest to make my own cakes. I actually think I'll really enjoy it. It'll be nice for my children to remember that I made all of their birthday cakes.

My first cake (see photo) was created today during our second class. I can now understand why cakes are so expensive to purchase. The supplies to make them are not cheap and it does take a bit of time to get it just right. For instance this cake (which is not just right in all places:) took me a total of 2 hours. If I were to make it again I could probably shave of a bit of time but it would still take a while.

I will continue to post my masterpieces as they are created.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Darling Skylar

I just wanted to post that I will miss my Skylar, otherwise known as Pie-Pie. She was the best cat that anyone could have ever asked for. I love her and miss her so much already.

Please do not post comments to this. Thank you.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Kids on The Block are coming to town!

And YES I am going to see them for the 4th time! 3 of those times were in my much, much younger days.

I am going to have to dig out my Jonathan t-shirt and florescent pink hat with my huge "I love Jonathan" sign. I wonder if I should pin my pants!

I have such fond memories of being an over the top obsessive NKOTB fan. I can still remember the feel of losing my voice for a week after the concerts. All that crazy screaming was a blast.
We had no fear. We tried to sneak onto their hotel floor at the Four Seasons Hotel, we followed their tour bus in TO and tons of other crazy stuff.
Oh to be a teenager and thinking you are truly in love.....